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Social Media Day of Action

On March 14th, post on social media to make your voice heard and grow our movement! Use this toolkit to share posts online to help us Reclaim Medicare!

Tags we are highlighting for this Day of Action:

#ReclaimMedicare #MedicareDisadvantage 

Find what you need:

Click to Tweet | Sample Posts | Graphics | Posting guidelines | Story sharing suggestions

Participating Organizations:

Right now, the Biden Administration is considering increasing payments to insurance corporations that offer Medicare (dis)Advantage. We need to let the President know that we DO NOT want our tax dollars to go to wealthy corporations that delay and deny care in order to turn a profit. Instead, those funds should be invested in delivering care for patients!

Here’s the truth: Insurance corporations that offer Medicare (dis)Advantage (like United Healthcare, Aetna, Huama and BlueCross BlueShield) are overpaid by at least $88 BILLION dollars every year. We shouldn’t be handing over more money to increase those overpayments!

How you can help: Encourage your friends and followers to sign our petition to President Biden and demand he Reclaim Medicare from greedy corporations!

Use this toolkit to make your voice heard, and reach out to if you need help or have any questions!

EASIEST WAY TO PARTICIPATE: Click the link below to Tweet

⏩⏩⏩ 🚨 CLICK HERE 🚨 ⏪⏪⏪

Once you click that link, Twitter will open up with a ready made tweet! All you have to do is click “Post!”

Not opening the twitter app? Please go directly to in your browser.


Option 1: Share posts from Be A Hero’s page

Be A Hero’s Twitter  |  Be A Hero’s Facebook  | Be A Hero’s Instagram

Option 2: Use our sample messaging and graphics to post on any platform.

Copy and paste the language below, and download graphics if you’d like!

Click here to download graphics from Google Drive!

Sample Post 1:

Corporations like @UHC @Humana @Aetna and @ElevanceHealth are making a KILLING by delaying and denying care to patients on #MedicareDisadvantage. @POTUS @CMSgov we need to #ReclaimMedicare from these greedy corporations. Sign the petition now:

Sample Post 2:

We hear from patients every day who are unable to access care in their #MedicareDisadvantage plans - @POTUS @WHCOS we urge you to #ReclaimMedicare from private insurers. Don’t give them any more money! Sign the petition now:

Sample Post 3: (Go to Be A Hero’s social media to share Jenn’s story)

Stories like Jenn’s highlight #MedicareDisadvantage hurts patients. @POTUS @WHCOS we are asking you to #ReclaimMedicare - hold these corporations accountable! Sign the petition now!

Sample Post 4 (Physician focus):

Dealing with patients’ care being delayed and denied by #MedicareDisadvantage plans takes time away from providing treatment for my patients. #ReclaimMedicare and stop overpaying private corporations! @POTUS Sign the petition now:


Option 3: Want to write your own post? Here’s some guidance on what to say and who to tag!

Make sure to include the following hashtags in your tweet so they help amplify our message:

#ReclaimMedicare #MedicareDisadvantage 

Tag these accounts: @POTUS @WHCOS @CMSgov @UHC @Humana @Aetna and @ElevanceHealth 

Optional: Share Jenn’s Story! She’s on Medicare Advantage and has had a hard time getting the lifesaving care she needs. On March 14th, you can find Jenn’s video on Be A Hero’s social media pages.

Here are some ideas of what to say - these are optional guidelines, so please feel free to make any adjustments or write something completely different!

Take it a step further by telling YOUR Medicare Disadvantage story! Some things to consider:

Thank you for joining us in the fight to Reclaim Medicare! If you have questions or need some assistance, please reach out to